

Iron Bark II

Iron Bark II

About Me

My photo
I first crossed the Atlantic in 1975 on 'Stormalong', a 28ft Wharram-designed catamaran. Back in the UK, Pete and I bought an ex 6-metre racing yacht, 'Sheila', living on her for 4 years. Wanting to do more and go further, we built 'Badger' - the best boat in the world - sailing her 110,000 miles, to the Arctic and the Antarctic, around the Atlantic North and South and into the Baltic. She had junk rig - the only rig I will ever now cruise with. Pete wanted to build a 38 ft junk-rigged catamaran, 'China Moon' - which he designed. But before the project was finished, we went our separate ways. A year later I joined Trevor Robertson aboard his 35ft 'Iron Bark'. We explored the Canadian Maritimes, crossed the Atlantic twice, wintered in Greenland and crossed the Pacific to Australia and New Zealand. I fell in love with NZ and jumping ship, bought my own boat while Trevor carried on voyaging. I put a junk rig onto ‘Fantail’ and, having decided that N Island offered better cruising opportunities than S Island, sailed up there in 2012. Looking for a boat to see me out, I built the 26ft 'FanShi' and now live on board her, pottering about, generally around the Bay of Islands.

Wednesday, 25 April 2007


52°16.5' N 55°35' W
Chart 5031(M) St Lewis Sound and Inlet

Canadian Pilot: Labrador and Hudson Bay, ch II, p 135
Admiralty Pilot 50: Newfoundland and Labrador, 12.11
Cruising Guide to the Labrador B-25

Variation: 26°W (8'E) (1997)
Spring Range approximately 5 ft


From the N, the approach is deep and straightforward. Pass W of Great Island, either side of Black Rock and between Killick Island and Gull Rock.

From the S, pass between Gunning Rock and Gunning Point and then close S of Mad Moll, which usually breaks heavily. Southern Tickle opens up abruptly, immediately after passing Mad Moll. The tickle is very narrow (less than 40 ft clear width) and subject to considerable surge, even in moderate conditions. Turn into Southern Tickle and make an ‘S’ curve, firstly to clear the ledges off the W side of the entrance, then for those on the E side. The surge can make this difficult.

If entering from the S under sail, do not be tempted to reduce sail too early. Keep plenty of way on because the high ground around Southern tickle will blanket the sails and make control difficult in the surge off the entrance points. We would have had trouble maintaining control of Iron Bark without our topsail. If entering under power, the same warning about keeping plenty of way on probably applies.

If Southern Tickle looks too daunting, it is possible to carry on up Crow Rock Tickle, which is deep. The dangers are apparent.


Tie up to the W or S side of the public wharf, as directed. If secured to the W side, be prepared to move at short notice because the ferry/tour boat from Mary's Harbour uses this part of the wharf, and comes in frequently and at irregular intervals. The S face of the wharf can accommodate a 50 ft vessel with 14 ft alongside.

Power, water, hot showers and a coin-operated laundry are available. Berthing fees were 50 ¢/ft in 2002.

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